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Friday, December 30, 2011

Ringing in the New Year

Woo hoo! Party all night!

Um, kinda.

We actually keep it pretty low key on New Year's Eve.

really low key

In other words...

...we're all asleep before midnight.


 Last year I told the ladybug that she could stay up as late as she wanted.  

She asked to go to bed by 9pm.  We like our sleep :-)

While checking out pinterest I came across this fun idea from How Does She? for the kids.  I found similar idea at The Dating Divas.
On each hour they pop a balloon (or open a bag) with a fun activity inside.  

How fun is that?!  
What a great way to celebrate during the day, especially if you're in bed before the ball even drops!

I was inspired.  So I planned out some activities to do with the kids, too.  
We made it in checklist form on our chalkboard.  

The last activity is at 9, because I don't think they'll make it past then.  
If they do I'll improvise.

I've got a couple things I want to add to the list yet, but you get the idea.  It doesn't really matter what the activity is, as long as it's something the kids will like!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Here I am!

Well hey there!

I know I haven't been around much the last few weeks, but I'm not quitting yet! 

{Every time I get behind on things I think of this.  Good advice}

 I've just been lost in a little bit of everything lately...

lost in "creative" messes,
at Christmas parties,
enjoying birthdays and baking, 
making Christmas crafts, 
more baking,
making Christmas gifts,
(seriously...why sometimes do the pictures load sideways?!  Weird.)
enjoying Christmas plays,
savoring family time, 
enjoying more family time, 
heading to Macy's to mail last minute letters to Santa, 
making fun and festive food.
This has been life the last few weeks, and that's where I've been.  I've been focusing on enjoying the little moments and less time documenting life in scrapbooks and the blog. 

 Which means I am now waaaaay behind on December Daily and Project Life as well.  The blog has been on the back burner, too.  I've also taken on some extra commitments in life that have taken up a bit of time.  I'm trying to get back on track and find balance again.  Bear with me please :-)

The Craft Catwalk link up will be back up and running as usual on Sunday night.
In the meantime I've just updated the shop with Valentine goodies!  
Valentine Kit


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Craft Catwalk no. {61}

Before linking up check out this collection of charming Christmas inspiration...

Reindeer Silhouette painting at Tattered and Inked

Christmas Mantle at It's Overflowing

Gift Wrapping Inspiration at Space 46

Grinch Tree at Garden Therapy

Snow Globes at It's Overflowing

Kids Christmas Cards at Mommy Minded

Please remember to...

Link to the post you are featuring.
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Visit some of your fellow party goers 
Link back here.  Grab the Craft Catwalk button or add a text link.

~ By submitting your work you grant me permission to use your pictures in a feature post.  I always link back giving you proper credit~


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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Our Elf on the Shelf

This is a brand new tradition for us this year, and the ladybug and little guy have been loving it.  I had no idea what the whole thing was about and how it was supposed to work until last month.  When I read how the elf gets into mischief during the night, I thought we could have a lot of fun with this. (or be totally freaked out about a little doll watching us during the day and then running around in the dark while we sleep)  Luckily, the kids are having fun with it - no freak outs here. Whew!

A few days after Thanksgiving  we had a very simple, but festive surprise breakfast to introduce our elf, "Chip".  It happened to work out that the Elf on the Shelf special was on tv the night before, and that's also why they chose the name Chip.  We read the book that comes with the elf and enjoyed donuts and hot chocolate for breakfast.  Hello sugar.

After our sugar high, we chose a spot for Chip to sit where he would be out of reach, yet able to see our daily happenings.

When they go to bed the mischief begins.  Here's some of what our elf has been up to around our house.  Most of these ideas came from other creative people courtesy of Pinterest.   

The morning of the ladybug's Christmas program at school, he made some special elf sized donuts (cheerios) for us.  What a sweet elf.  He found the idea here.

One night Chip was making paper snowflakes.  The next morning we had our first real snowfall. (I had no idea it was supposed to snow.  That just kinda worked out!)

One night Chip got out the ladybugs porcelain tea set and had a tea party under the tree with Mary, Joseph, and Santa.

Tomorrow morning the kiddos will wake to find Chip enjoying a little r&r!

If you have an elf, what kind of mischief is he/she getting into?

Link up with me here...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Craft Catwalk no. {60}

Here are a few of the festive wreaths linked up last week...

On to the party...

Please remember to...

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Visit some of your fellow party goers 
Link back here.  Grab the Craft Catwalk button or add a text link.

~ By submitting your work you grant me permission to use your pictures in a feature post.  I always link back giving you proper credit~


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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our Christmas Advent Calendars

Wow, time is really getting away from me these days!  Way too many things to do and way too little time to do them.  Not complaining, just wishing there were more hours in the day.  At least I'm done Christmas shopping.  Nevertheless, my lists keep growing.  Mostly because there is just so much cute stuff that MUST be made this time of year.  Stinkin' Pinterest.  Sucking me in to all that cuteness.

On to the calendars....

In had no idea these Playmobile calendars even existed until Ali Edwards posted about them.  We gave it a try this year.  This one is just for the ladybug...small pieces and all don't mix well with my little guy...who knows where those little pieces would end up!  We always do this calendar when he naps so he doesn't feel left out.
She loves this.  Next year I'll have one for both of them.  

Last year I saw an idea somewhere about wrapping up your Christmas books, and letting the kids open one a day til Christmas to read.  LOVED that idea.  I didn't do it last year because I wasn't looking forward to wrapping 24 books.  I love to embellish packages, not so much the wrapping.  Maybe because one year I waited till Christmas Eve night around 9pm to begin ANY wrapping.  Crazy me.  

This year I buckled down and wrapped our Christmas books.  After 5 years of having little ones around we had plenty of Christmas books for 24 days.

Since the little guy doesn't get to do a Playmobile calendar, the unwrapping of these books is his duty.  He's usually pretty sweet about it and asks for the ladybugs help anyway.  Then we all read the story together.  I love it.  

It's a way to be sure we get at least one book read a day even on those crazy busy days. :-)

Link up with me here:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Craft Catwalk no. {59}

Before linking up check out these advent calendars from last week's craft link up...

Tomorrow I'll share our advent calendars, but now it's time to link up...

Please remember to...

Link to the post you are featuring.
 no giveaways, shops, or linky parties

Visit some of your fellow party goers 
Link back here.  Grab the Craft Catwalk button or add a text link.

~ By submitting your work you grant me permission to use your pictures in a feature post.  I always link back giving you proper credit~


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