Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rainbow Cupcakes

A couple weeks ago we celebrated the little lady's birthday with a rainbow themed party.  I've seen loads of inspiring ideas for rainbow cupcakes and figured I'd give it a try.

I didn't think the rainbow strips of candy were going to stand up well, but surprisingly they did.  I cut the Xtreme Belts very small and it worked out fine.

But for me the most exciting part was having a proper place to store the cupcakes!  Who knew they even made a cupcake carrier/storage thingy?! Well, I didn't until a few months ago!  When I saw them, I snagged one up right away.   

In the past I have resorted to using some interesting things to transport cupcakes.  
See my pumpkin cupcakes for proof :)

1 comment:

  1. Very Cute! I just did a Rainbow Brite cake for my niece and these cupcakes made me think of that!
