Friday, September 24, 2010

All Fairies Welcome

Yesterday we bought the new Tinkerbell movie.  How cute was it!!  I love that the little girl liked to draw, because it got my Ladybug drawing which is a challenge these days.  I also love that she made a fairy house.  We love fairy houses, gardens, and doors over here!  I was inspired to make an autumn fairy house with my Ladybug.  I think it's typically a spring and summer thing, but we are making our own rules :)  

We used a giant empty fishy cracker box.  I cut out the door and windows and Ladybug painted it.
  I cut leaves from construction paper, and she taped them on for the roof. 
 I had some small flowers in my scrapbook stash that Ladybug colored Fall colors.  We used glue dots to stick them on, and then she drew the stems with markers.

We made a "Welcome Fairies" sign just like in the movie.

It's not finished yet, but you get the idea.  We want to "embellish"  the inside and outside some more.  I think every now and then I might even leave some sort of little fairy gift inside for Ladybug to find. 
I'll add the pictures when we finish our project!


  1. How cute is that!! I'm your newest follower from Fab Friday Follow! Look foward to reading more!

  2. Such a fun project! So glad I found your blog. Following you now!

  3. Great Fairy project! I am running out to get the movie soon and look forward to our creations.

  4. Cute project!

    Hi! I'm your newest Friday follower. Would love it if you'd follow me back at Mom of all Trades.
