Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our Christmas Advent Calendars

Wow, time is really getting away from me these days!  Way too many things to do and way too little time to do them.  Not complaining, just wishing there were more hours in the day.  At least I'm done Christmas shopping.  Nevertheless, my lists keep growing.  Mostly because there is just so much cute stuff that MUST be made this time of year.  Stinkin' Pinterest.  Sucking me in to all that cuteness.

On to the calendars....

In had no idea these Playmobile calendars even existed until Ali Edwards posted about them.  We gave it a try this year.  This one is just for the ladybug...small pieces and all don't mix well with my little guy...who knows where those little pieces would end up!  We always do this calendar when he naps so he doesn't feel left out.
She loves this.  Next year I'll have one for both of them.  

Last year I saw an idea somewhere about wrapping up your Christmas books, and letting the kids open one a day til Christmas to read.  LOVED that idea.  I didn't do it last year because I wasn't looking forward to wrapping 24 books.  I love to embellish packages, not so much the wrapping.  Maybe because one year I waited till Christmas Eve night around 9pm to begin ANY wrapping.  Crazy me.  

This year I buckled down and wrapped our Christmas books.  After 5 years of having little ones around we had plenty of Christmas books for 24 days.

Since the little guy doesn't get to do a Playmobile calendar, the unwrapping of these books is his duty.  He's usually pretty sweet about it and asks for the ladybugs help anyway.  Then we all read the story together.  I love it.  

It's a way to be sure we get at least one book read a day even on those crazy busy days. :-)

Link up with me here:


  1. What a sweet idea.. such a cute way to celebrate and countdown by reading Christmas stories! And who doesn't love a little surprise every day?
    Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo party.. can't wait to see what you share next!

  2. I love the idea of counting down to Christmas by reading stories. Our countdown has consisted of stories, songs and movies depending on the time available each day.
