Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

I am blessed with so much more than I could ever fit into a list.  
So these are only a few of the things I am most thankful for today...

  • for living in a free country
  • for the service men and women who are willing to fight for those freedoms
  • for always having food on the table, clothes in the closets, and a solid roof over our heads
  • for family who fill our lives with warm moments
  • for family who may no longer be with us, but left us with treasured memories
  • for chocolate and coffee =)
  • for good health
  • for ladybug and that she doesn't give up easily, finds excitement in everything, and loves everyone.
  • for the little guy and that he loves cuddles, has an endless curiosity, and will try anything.
  • for the hubs who is never judgmental and always supportive
 Happy Thanksgiving. 
Hope you're enjoying lots of turkey and stuffing today!

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