Friday, October 15, 2010

All You Need is Pixie Dust

Every little girl needs a necklace full of pixie dust.  
It's a "must have."

I'm sure you've seen this project before, but we just did one for the first time.  At a recent trip to a local breakfast restaurant ladybug got a little toy from a gumball machine.  
You know, one of those toys that come in one of those plastic containers?  

So we took that little plastic container and got crafting.  I filled it with glitter and hot glued the lid back on.  Then I hot glued a pretty bead on the lid and strung some a cord through it.  

There you have it...a necklace full of pixie dust.  
My ladybug is convinced it's pixie dust from Tinker Bell.  

 I love her imagination.

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1 comment:

  1. that is PRECIOUS! Pixie dust...I'd believe it too :) and how cute and simple and I'm sure it made her day!
