Friday, September 24, 2010

Marshmallow Delight

For Christmas a few years ago my cousin gave all of us ladies a framed copy of one of my Grandma's recipes.  It's special because it is in Grandma's own handwriting.  I love it.  "Marshmallow Delight" has been hanging in my kitchen since it was given to me.

I've been wanting to add to it.
I took some scrapbook paper, embellishments, and a larger frame and got to it.
Here is the final product:

My Grandma made this marshmallow dish every holiday.  Honestly, I never really ate it back then.  Not because I didn't like it, because it's really, really good.  I guess there were just too many other options at holiday meals.  Now I always have a serving when my mom makes it on holidays. 

In this layout I also included two other family recipes.
My Great-Grandmother used to make yummy peanut butter balls every Christmas.

Yes, my Grandpa threw some ingredients together and called it "slop."
I assure you it is actually good despite the name.

I do like the end result.  It has sentimental value.  Now to hang it over my stove...

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  1. What a great way to showcase something that is so sentimental and dear to your heart!

    Thanks for linking up to Scraptastic Saturday!

    Hannah @

  2. Hi im your newest follower from Fridays Blog Hop, come on by and follow back:).

  3. I love love love this. So personal and full of memories. Great job on spicing it up!

  4. Hi, I'm a new follower from europa:)))...
    I love this frame:))....

  5. Aww! How cute! I love the ticket tags, and the memories the pictures hold!

  6. What a great keepsake and way to remember your grandparents and past memories of the holidays. Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays! Featuring this today.
