Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall Subway Art

My sweet hubby bought me a Cricut for my birthday.  *happiness*  Did I mention how wonderful he is? 

I used that fun little machine last night to make my very first subway art.  I knew I wanted to do a fall theme.  So I jumped on the computer to look for some inspiration.   Once I finally settled on the words I wanted to use, I started cutting and painting!  More resizing, cutting, and painting.  More painting.  Retouching.  So tired.  Need to go to bed.  Finally by 10:45pm this is what I had.

Not too bad for my first one.  I want to do a larger one with our family's special dates and numbers next.  I really have to stop adding things I want to make to my list. 

All Thingz Related


  1. I have no idea what a Cricket is - please explain! =) I love your subway art - turned out wonderful.

  2. Nice job!! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

    Your newest follower from Almost Friday!

    Stop by and visit when you get a moment!

  3. That is super cute! I'd love a cricut. Have you seen the ones for cake making!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog, following you back!

    Love the subway art, so cool and perfect for fall!

  5. how cute is that :) Love it, SO festive!!!

  6. Very cute and simple! Love the color of the wood and the font!

  7. JEALOUS! I don't have a cricut yet, but LOVE what you did with your new toy!

  8. Love this idea! It'd be so fun to do a different one for every season!

  9. I have been wanting to do one this may just inspire me :) come follow me back..hope to inspire u!
