Friday, August 2, 2013

organizing: turn crates into a bookshelf

in small rooms utilizing every inch of space to its full potential is key.  boy, do we know this :)

the little guy's room is one of the smallest spaces in our house.  we even put a loft bed in his room to allow a little more "play" space.  

he's getting older, getting more toys, and in need of  organized places to put them.  of course, he'd rather just dump everything in a pile.  we call him our "nester". 

there is this space between his bed and the entry to his room where a bookshelf would fit perfectly as a nightstand/storage combo.  regular bookshelf's are boring :) and sometimes pricey. finding one the right hight, but to wide was difficult, too.  so let's make one :)

Michael's has these bare wood crates for about $13 each.  after a few weeks using those 40% off coupons, i had enough to turn into a bookshelf. 

before painting them the same color as this, the hubs screwed them together for me. (i'm not a power tools kinda gal.  wish i was...someday, right?)

i'm kind of obsessed with crates, just check my crate board on Pinterest 
♥ i just might start hoarding them 

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