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Thursday, September 16, 2010

October Layout

Sharing a little paper Halloween happiness tonight!
I am really happy with the way this little project turned out.  I made this layout to add to our Halloween decor.  At the end of next month I think I'll make a Thanksgiving layout for the frame.   



jamfiescreations1 said...

I love what you did. It looks so professional.
I love it.

Karen said...

Very nice layout! It's fun to scrapbook for Halloween and I love the idea of framing it and displaying in your home! Cute blog- saw you on Sassy Sites...stop by if you get the chance:

Sassy Sites! said...

Thanks for being a part of the Sassy Sites blog hop! Happy Friday! xoxo

Marni @ Sassy Sites

Sasha said...

Love this layout and how you turned it into decor!

~The Life of Me~

My New Life As Mom said...


Returning the love from Hop Along Friday! Thanks for stopping by, linking up and leaving a comment! I'm already following! Have a great day!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I featured you over at paintitsewthrifty today!!! You can find yourself featured at this link:


Come grab your featured button on the right sidebar and wear it proud!!!

Mandy said...

super cute!!! i just loved framed art projects! ;)

thanks for stopping by my blog!

Unknown said...

Ohh I love it! Very cute!

Thanks so much for linking up to Scraptastic Saturday!

Hannah @ http://youngancrafty.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...

Found this through Scraptastic Sat. This looks great! I think it'd be a great idea to do a theme each month.

~ The Speckled Dog

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Wow it is beautiful. I'm loving seeing more then just the digital scrapbooking I have done.

Link up at Scrap it Saturday

. said...

I love how it turned out!! Super cute!!

Lorie said...

VERY CUTE!! Such a fun Halloween decoration. I need to add some Halloween scrapbook paper to my stash. Thanks for linking up to Show and Tell Saturday!

srldesign said...

adorable! I'm your newest follower =)

Unknown said...

What a great idea. I love the layout. If you used a bit smaller frame this could then transfer right over to your scrapbook.


the cape on the corner said...

too cute! looks great.

Sandy Ang said...

What a lovely way to showoff your LOs !

Crafty Mommy Diva said...

This is such a cute layout - love all the squares. The frame added so much more to it. Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays. Featuring this tomorrow!

Lori@Paisley Passions said...

So pretty! It turned out great! Thanks for sharing your “creative mojo” with me on Thrilling Thursday. I hope you will be back again soon :)
~Lori S.
Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

Anonymous said...

I am going to feature this on Thrilling Thursday 9/30. Feel free to pop over and grab an "I Thrilled" featured button off my sidebar. I hope to see you at Thrilling Thursday again this week!

~Lori @ Paisley Passions


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